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8 Gorgeous Cocker Spaniel Puppies
How did we ever get them to all sit still at the same time?
Myself, the housekeeper, my friend Ann Smith-Martin, the photographer's assistant, and the
photographer.....a lot of patience, and 72 shots to get just one photo
Ch. Showcase's Captain Kidd
American Spaniel Club, BOS-Futurity 2003, Philadelphia, PA
Now at home in Pearsonville, after multiple Sweepstakes
& Specialty Wins.
William in Indiana, December 2002, winning
another specialty
Frozen & Chilled semen available

Ch. Angel's Paint My Tuxedo Tail
Stud Fee on Request
"Billy" finished in 2 weekends at the TN and NC shows in
March 2002. He is a son of Ch. Pearson's Cassidy Kid (12 years old) and a grand-son
of Ch. Pearson's Debbie Does Dallas X Ch. Redhill's Himself The Elf.

Ch. Pearson's Tanks a Lot!
Stud Fee on Request
sired by: Ch. Pearson's That's A Fact Jack, Tank finished
before the age of 2 years.



Ch. Pearson's Sugar Daddy w/sister "Smudge".
Brazil Ch. Pearson's Cadillac "Visa" Gold w/brother "Cowboy"
Litters of 2; These are special puppies because there were only 2
puppies in their litter. ........which means they were spoiled rotton!
Champion "Jem"
Ch. McCue's Diamond Jem Keepsake
Welcome to our Home page and Thanks for
visiting us, our American Cocker Spaniels and Saint Bernards. We have tried to give
you a look at all of our cockers, both past & present, USA and International.
Please look at the many many photographs displayed on the next few pages of this
website, and feel free to email us with your comments or questions.
Phone: (760)
Pearson's Cocker
Spaniels, 3 Sterling Road, Pearsonville, CA 93527-1406 U.S.A.