Friendship Is The Perfect End To The Holidays - The first edition comes with a lantern.
Item # First YearLast YearStatus
219525 1996 1998 retired

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StatusItem #TitleYear ConditionPriceAdd to Interest List
sold219525 Casey1996M2 soldunavailable
contains lantern that was removed in later versions; M1 if came with plastic wrap
219525 Casey1996M2 $28add to interest list
contains lantern that was removed in later versions; M1 if came with plastic wrap
layaway219525 Casey1996M2 $28unavailable
contains lantern that was removed in later versions; M1 if came with plastic wrap
219525 Casey1997M2 $33add to interest list
contains lantern (rare for a 1997 piece); M1 if came with plastic wrap